
San-iT provides IT support and services to businesses in the North West and across the UK. Launched in 2007, San-iT help all manner of businesses, from SMEs to large corporates, thrive through technology.

The South Manchester-based business prides itself on the skill and experience of its team. Recruiting the best people and looking after them is core to everything they do and that’s a key part of their partnership with Freshwalks.

Here, we speak with Managing Director, Barry Lowe.

Let’s get straight to it. What sets you apart from the competition?

The business has been trading for 12 years now and we’re proud that in that time, most of our growth has come from referrals and recommendations. We think that this is mainly down to a couple of reasons: Our team are exceptional, and their level of knowledge and expertise helps to build trust from our customers. We also aim to bring a personality to IT, an industry that has typically quite a bad reputation for being complicated and frustrating. That means we only recruit people who fit our values. Our people must be excellent communicators and enjoy helping people. Geek speak is banned (at least when customers are around).

We pride ourselves on providing top class customer care. We have enough resource so that issues can be dealt with as they come in, providing instant support to customers. Phone calls go straight through to a member of the team who can help customers resolve any issues on the spot.

We try to be different from all other IT companies from the way we deal with customers to the way our internal teams and processes are set up. We use the ‘elite team’ model where small groups of skilled people collaborate on client projects autonomously to deliver exceptional levels of service.

Who do you typically work with?

We work with anyone and everyone that understands the importance of technology. Our clients are typically businesses going through or preparing for a growth phase and as such need the technology, infrastructure and know how to help them scale rapidly, improve processes, eliminate manual tasks and provide greater security.

Although we work with most sectors, we have done a lot of work in recruitment, financial services, property and manufacturing sectors.

Peak business achievement to date?

Our biggest achievement is reaching our 12th year in business and doing so mainly on the back of providing excellent service to customers, creating referrals. We are still growing and have grand ambitions for the future and a big part of that will be continuing to grow our team. We’ve just completed a massive office extension and refurbishment project to both provide a home to our team and a fun, relaxed and modern working environment. We want it to be a home from home for our growing San-iT family.

We’ve also received a number of awards over the last few years as well as receiving Microsoft Gold Competency status and becoming an official Microsoft Education partner. This accolade means our team have completed rigorous skills and experience tests and have come through with flying colours.

Why has San-iT committed to supporting Freshwalks?

Freshwalks provides a fantastic opportunity to both meet new business contacts and spend some quality time out of the office learning and reflecting. We’ve met some great characters over the years, many of whom have now become close friends and there are always new faces in the group. For us, it’s about meeting new people and building relationships along with having a good time. Although business has taken place as a result of Freshwalks, it’s not what gets discussed up in the hills!

Additionally, Freshwalks is an increasingly important part of how we support and reward our team as well as grow the business. We use Freshwalks to:

• Give our team valuable time out of the office to improve their health, wellbeing and fitness.
• Build relationships with likeminded businesspeople
• Increase brand awareness with potential customers, partners and contacts
• Get to know potential prospects. Time out in the hills leads to a much closer relationship.
• Give our team time and space to think about the wider picture
• Guarantee a decent post walk pie & pint

What advice would you give to any business looking to find an appropriate IT partner?

Moving IT provider can be a daunting decision but there a few things to consider which makes the process of finding a better partner, easier.

• Be clear of the reasons why you are switching so any issues can be addressed and rectified with your new provider.
• Have a detailed list of any assets with serial numbers and warranties noted down. We can help manage this process via our remote management software.
• Gain a full list of usernames and passwords to your accounts.
• Discuss issues you have experienced in the past/pain points for the business with your new provider so any problems are identified early on and a solution put in place.
• Finally, it’s a good idea to gain an understanding of IT processes before you switch providers. It is helpful to have knowledge of things like backup and disaster recovery so you know exactly what services you need.

Compass at the ready, what direction is the company heading in next. What does the future look like?

We’ve got big plans for the future growth of the business and how we can continue to help our customers. We are setting up an innovation team to help us and our customers stay ahead of the curve. We’ll be expanding our cloud services to unlock even more advanced technical features and capabilities. We’re investing in IoT (Internet of Things) technology and artificial intelligence to deliver game-changing consultancy and continuing to work on achieving further Microsoft competencies.

Find out more

Please visit our website or give our expert team a call on 0800 084 2575.

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