Mike Pye

Freshwalking with... Mike Pye

After 10 years marketing experience in a range of businesses, Mike set up his own consultancy in January 2016. The business focusses on delivering creative content and strategic marketing support with a transparent, no-nonsense and no jargon approach. Mike has been a regular face on Freshwalks over the past year and has kindly shared below how we’ve helped the development of his fledgling business. You can find out more about Mike on his website here.

Freshwalking with... Mike Pye

Freshwalking with... Mike Pye

How did you first become aware of Freshwalks and what attracted you to signing up?

I’ve been going for about 6 years. Initially introduced by Katya Willems.

How many have you attended and why do you keep coming back?

I’ve lost count, 6 years, relatively regularly including 2 lakes trips, Belfast and Geneva


  • The people are incredible, it attracts great people who are full of energy for life, a supportive and collaborative group who genuinely want to help each other.
  • Physical and mental well-being. Being outside doing something active is amazing for both. It’s a challenge freeing up the diary but I never regret it.
  • I love being outside, the combination of physical activity, a shared experience, and great conversation are amazing for problem-solving.
  • All the above creates the environment for building connections.

What do you find valuable about being within our community?

Always someone who can help with a problem. So willing to help and support each other. 

Great fun. Never a dull moment. It attracts people who have joy at their core and are amazing to spend time with.

What has been your favourite route?

Oh I can’t pick one, so I’ll say Alport Castles, Kinder Edge and the Old Man of Coniston.

Something you always bring?

A Sausage Roll and my dog, Iggy.

Tell us about your favourite Freshwalks moment?

Being on the lakeside of Coniston on a crystal clear night in what can only be described as a beach side rave. 30+ Freshwalkers, who had all been through the mill personally and professionally during covid, letting off steam together and celebrating getting through it with a lust for life. The moon reflecting in the water, a fire, great tunes and god knows how many bottles of whisky. An experience I’ll remember forever.

What's the best bit of advice you’ve got on a walk?

A connection helped me navigate a complex challenge within the business when I was looking to potentially bring 2 people into the business as Directors. Helped me to understand the opportunities, challenges and processes for doing so i/we could understand whether it was the right way forward… Or not.

The best thing about Freshwalks is bringing together a mix of people with diverse backgrounds and experiences. So much insight and experience in one place willing to help each other.

How has Freshwalks helped your business?

Freshwalks has been a key part in the growth of our business:

    • We’ve met clients
    • The connections have driven £ hundreds of 000s in revenue through referrals.
    • We’ve met people that have become team members
    • We’ve collaborated in partnership with other businesses
    • We’ve found associates – freelance specialists that are now a key part of the team.
    • We’ve found our advisors – kept people who help with the strategic direction of the business have come from the community
    • We invest in it for our clients –  as an opportunity for them to enjoy the above benefits
    • And we invest in it for the team, to support of values of happiness, connection, caring

If you combine all the above ways I/we have benefited from Freshwalks it would be almost impossible to put a number on it. But it would be big.

How does Freshwalks challenge typical networking formats?

It’s a shared experience, that combination of opportunities to connect with physical and mental wellbeing. This creates unique conversations and opportunities for connection, way over the superficial and transactional nature of traditional networking.

It attracts people who want to give, rather than take. There seems to be a common theme in the type of people that are drawn to Freshwalks. They are energetic and collaborative. They see the value in taking a day out of the business and see it as an investment in personal well-being or professional development rather than a cost.  People in the community are genuine. They look out for each other and are always there with help or advice. It’s magic.

Sum up Freshwalks in three words.

Collaboration, connection and rejuvinating

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