Freshwalking with... Cath Brown
With extensive experience in the UK legal market as a Barrister and Trainer, Cath is a now a Professional Coach Trainer at Skilful Conversations where she is dedicated to helping those in the legal world improve their lives and careers. Within her coaching, Cath covers how to achieve a work-life balance, career development and improve confidence. Her commitment to practice what she preaches has meant she is very much a Freshwalks regular. Be sure to say hello to Cath on one of our walks or you can connect with her on LinkedIn here.
[Image by Freshwalks’ Friend: Katya Willems]
Freshwalking with... Cath Brown
I can remember being very nervous I think because, although I like both networking and walking, I thought a whole day might be a bit of a challenge. But it wasn’t – it was easy, apart from the hills. The people were brilliant and I was an instant convert.
I have no clue! If I’m free and it’s not too icy I’ll be there.
For inspiration mostly. Also the exercise, but I have lost count of the times that I have come up with a new idea or received a useful piece of advice whilst still on the train home, or when I’ve been able to work out a problem with one or more Freshwalkers on the hills.
Probably the circular one out of Marsden. A great pub at the end of that one too.
Water, snacks, sweets and waterproofs.
Probably the first trip out to Hilbre Island, or the more recent trip there. It’s a really special place and I didn’t know it existed.
In so many ways that I didn’t expect. I hadn’t even really started my business when I first went on a Freshwalk so from there I got the recommendation for the coaching qualification I did (John Shinnick), the encouragement to do it (Katya Willems, Michelle Pratt and many others), an accountant (Andy Fleet), friends and collaborators (too many to mention). I have also found clients either amongst the walkers or through recommendations but that is only part of it.
My now accountant, Andy Fleet – straightforward, easy to understand, and really efficient. Jill Jennings – a great photographer and friend. Katya Willems – Instagram whizz and enthusiastic support.
It’s much more relaxed and much more beneficial than a 1 or 2 hour meeting in the middle of town. You get headspace and exercise as well as the chance to really get to know people. There’s no selling or pressure but there is the opportunity to genuinely build a network. Also, magically, it attracts great people and there are always new people alongside the regulars.
There’s something about Freshwalks that brings about a natural balance so that I don’t have to think about it. The combination of the components just works.
Maybe some more Lancashire walks.
Genuinely life-changing stuff.
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